“Do you feel your rights as landlord or a tenant have been violated? If so, contact our office immediately.” Read More
Personal Injury/Tort Law: Your Pain, Your Gain
“Have you fallen down and been maimed, been injured in an automobile accident, or hurt in any way by the negligence or intentions of another?” Read More
Wills, Trusts & Estates:
“Don’t wait until it is too late. Leave your family with a sense of peace and harmony and prevent as much bickering and fighting as you can: plan your estate.” Read More
Divorce and Family Law Matters:
Divorce is an extremely emotionally charged endeavor. Oftentimes, at least one party is caught unawares or was at least trying to prevent the divorce, and is deeply hurt by the action.
As such, Divorce can be a difficult undertaking when so weighted with emotion. Indeed, for this reason alone, many people seek legal help: just to not have to deal with the minutia of it themselves. Others need help because there are passionate arguments made or anticipated about who gets what of the possessions. Then, there are disagreements over children and spousal support.
All of these high-stakes emotions make Divorce law and other family related matters, many of which happen outside of marriage, like parenting plans and child support, one of the most difficult areas of law to practice. And then, there is the law itself.
Our office understands these realities, legal and real. And we understand how the heart and head sometimes can’t shake hands nor see eye to eye. We are here to help you maneuver through this. We focus our attention not solely on getting you through the actual process of divorce and towards meeting your objectives, but we also are thinking about the quality of your life after divorce. We want you to leave with dignity and self-respect, despite the lasting heartbreak you may or may not feel.
Let us help you by calming developing a long-term strategy that meets your needs.